Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cousins Visit

Mags patiently waiting for fish food

sticks and water what could be more fun


Easter goodies

early birthday celebration

Easter egg crafts

Cowgirl Mags

Quinn is in there somewhere...adorable!

The boys took the kids to the fish hatchery on saturday and then home for some of Uncle Matt's delish homemade chicken strips. Sarah and I enjoyed a "kid free" afternoon at lunch, pedi's, and some happy hr margaritas!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Star of the Week

brought masks for a special show n tell...they were a big hit!

Logan was star of the wk at preschool and got to present a special poster about himself...if you didn't guess his favorite color is GREEN.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


 Sister O Sister...where art thou

dog pile on Uncle Josh 

Cam was all about holding Cousin Quinn

We made an unexpected trip up to Albany and made a stop at the "Wacky Bounce". Guess who we found.....COUSINS!!!