Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Fun

Logan and Cameron got to spend a few days at Nana and Papas house enjoying Christmas lights, playing at the park, mall rides, and Logan's all time favorite a real choo choo train track with locomotives.....right next door, Thank You John!

Diaper change gone wrong...

You gotta love him!

This is how Logan woke up from a nap at Nana and Papas house...take notice of the huge pile of wipes and just a "little" diaper cream used, monkey must have had a whopper of a diaper!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

We like him...

We like him NOT

I think the pictures tell this story, Logan was so cute telling santa that he was going to be a good boy and asking for a choo choo train track for Christmas. Ending the evening with a candy cane and watching all the big kids ice skate.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Birthday...


We love you lots!!!

Picked, Cut, and Trimmed

We had a fun trip up in the woods and snow to find our Christmas tree this year. Snowman building, snow eating, and weeni roasting fun was had by all!