Sunday, January 23, 2011

1st Pony...

Sort of

Look closely- keep looking- its there I promise. Managed to scrap together a little hair and pulled one off! Thanks Auntie Sarah for the "hair" accessories.


Logan the cowboy.....yeeeee hawwwww

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ready, Set, WALKING!!!

Cam started to walk yesterday at daycare of course, but put on a pretty good show for us all at home. She is 16mo now and is excited to be showing off her new skills.

Monday, January 10, 2011

So Creative...

I have this friend Elizabeth who is soooooo creative and is starting to blog to a theme each wk/mo, she has invited everybody to join in and enjoy. Starting a new year and taking in all that it has to offer big and small.
Theme: "color in a dreary winter month"

This is a hat and scarf gifted to my daughter, the colors are so vibrant and she is such a ray of sunshine on a dreary winter day wearing it. Thanks Tawny for such a special gift!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goodbye to 2010

kid cut-outs

noise makers

production line for feeding time...crazy

dancin girls

We had a really fun trip to Bend to spend Newyears with great friends and family. The kids had a blast playing together, crafting, swimming, and sledding...which only lasted about 5minutes before every kid had their melt down-19degrees and a wind chill buuuuuuuurrr cold!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas 2010

Logan patiently waited for sister to start the christmas present extravaganza! The kids were very spoiled this year with so many fun new toys and books...Logan loves his new cowboy get-up and must have been a good boy cause Santa left a "choo choo" train track. Cameron's new phone is pretty much attached to her ear...already has ooodles to say and really enjoys her new music table...she can shake her groove thang!

Here Comes Santa Clause...

with new christmas pj's!

Santa with his reindeer are feed and kids are all snuggled in bed.